Worlds tallest man- a kind gentleman at heart
Recognized as the tallest living man in the world at present, Bao Xishun is a Mongolian herdsman of world acclaim.
He is recognized as being the worlds tallest man by the Guinness Book of World Records and is 7 feet 9 inches, or 2.36m tall. The title of being the worlds tallest man has had to pass through some rough patches in the last few months.
Bao’s title of being the worlds tallest man was conceded to Leonid Stadnyk, a Ukrainian by nationality, but was returned back to him earlier this year after Stadnyk refused to be measured by the Guinness authorities according to their rules and regulations. Xishun, born in 1951, is said to have measured 236 cm in a hospital at the Chifeng city in China. Two other people, both from Asia- Ajaz Ahmed and Vikas Uppal, have claimed to be over 8 feet tall, but neither of them has been able to prove their claims according to the format laid down by the Guinness Book of World records.
Bao is supposed to have grown at a normal pace till he was 16 years old, after which he experienced this sudden surge in size and ended up with his present height of 7 feet 9 inches just seven years later, at the age of 23. Bao later served the Liberation Army for a span of three years and also played in the army basketball team. After serving the army for a span of more than three years, the worlds tallest man started complaining of rheumatism and related problems, which is attributed to his sleeping in the outdoors during his childhood, rather than being unconventionally tall.
The worlds tallest man is a celebrated man all over the world. His wedding is supposed to be a famous one for his small, rather sleepy hometown. The wedding was supposedly sponsored by a dozen companies and the guests were invited from all over the world. Bao also holds quite a number of endorsement deals with companies, and spends most of his time promoting these products all over China.
Bao’s story of becoming the worlds tallest man is a rather fascinating one. When he had retired himself out of the Liberation army, after feeling the pain associated with rheumatism, Bao took quite some time to find a new job. He was offered the job of a ‘greeter’ at a local restaurant. This is where Bao came in solemn contact with a lot of people, some of whom were associated with the media and therefore, gave him the attention he had always desired and deserved.
Bao became an instant success with the media and was very popular in his own nation. It was the local media only that is believed to have applied to the Guinness Book of World records on Bao’s behalf to nominate him for being the worlds tallest man. He was measured to be taller than the previous record holder Radhuaone Charbib by about 2mm, and thus, at the age of 40, Bao was officially entitled as being the worlds tallest man.
Bao has been known as a kind man all over the world. One of the most famous incidents that have earned Bao the reputation of being a kind hearted person is when Bao saved the lives of two Dolphins in 2006. The dolphins are believed to swallowed plastic shards by mistake, which had led to a sudden deterioration of health. When the veterinarians had failed to remove those shards from the dolphins’ stomachs, Bao was called upon to help remove them. The worlds tallest man, with his 1.06m long arm helped in removing those plastic shards right from within the stomachs of the dolphins.
Everything that Bao has done in his life has been a much discussed affair, especially after he got listed in the Guinness Book of World records as the worlds tallest man. His marriage to a saleswoman belonging to the town of Chifeng-which also happens to be Bao’s own hometown-was largely discussed in the local media, especially owing to the fact that his wife was literally half his age and size.
There have been a lot of apprehensions about Bao and his life, but one thing has clearly stood up- that Bao is a true gentleman, who loves to enjoy the status of being the worlds tallest man.