Friday, December 16, 2011

Worlds Smartest Man


Chris Langan - Nobody Can Out-Win This Bouncer

So you think you are smart? Try competing with Christopher Michael Langan, who has been accredited as being the worlds smartest man.
Chris has had a checkered life, and an even more rough time with his academic career. This Long-beach bouncer is said to have an IQ of 195, which is the maximum in the world.
Chris is also said to have developed a new theory that relates the functioning of mind and reality. This theory is called as the Cognitive Theoretic Model of the Universe, and this term was coined by the man himself- Chris Langan.
Christopher Langan has had a life that has seen a lot of atrocities and aberrations. The worlds smartest man was born in San Francisco and was raised in Montana. Chris had no clue about his father, as he was non-existent at the time of Chris’s birth. His mother belonged to a rich family that owned a shipping business, but due to family problems, Chris and her mother were cut of from Chris’s maternal family as well.

The first signs of Chris’s genius surfaced when he started talking as early as the age of six months, and he actually took a book and taught himself to read and write when he was merely three years of age. Chris was a prodigy and would skip ahead in school more often than normal ‘geniuses’. He actually took time off from school and taught himself various languages of the world, such as Latin and Greek, and also indulged in advanced sciences and math.

By the time he cleared high school, Chris’s genius was apparent to people who knew him, and they forced him to take the SAT. Chris, as most would have guessed it, cleared the exam and got admission in the Reed College and the Montana State University. But, he dropped out on choice because of two factors, firstly, the worlds smartest man did not have money to support his education, and secondly because he was the worlds smartest man, he considered that he knew more than the professors could teach him.

From being a cowboy to a construction worker and later a forest firefighter, the worlds smartest man had tried his hands at a whole bunch of labor-intensive jobs. Finally, owing to the weight training Chris had started when he was just 14, Chris ended up becoming a bouncer at Long Beach, and has stuck to this job for the past 20 years.

Chris has assumed a dual role, of handling his labor intensive jobs during the day, and working on the equations and mathematical formulas of his Cognitive Theoretic Model during the night. It is only after the Esquire magazine published Chris’s profile and did coverage on him and his theories that the world came to know about Chris. Dr. Robert Novelly, a leading Psychiatrist then measured Chris’s IQ for the magazine 20/20, and was astounded at the results. He exclaimed that he had never reported such high IQ ratings in his career span of 25 years, and it is after this report by the doctor that Chris came to be known as the worlds smartest man.
It has been an upward ride for Chris since then, and he has been featured in world famous magazines such as the Popular Science, Times Magazine, and Newsday and even on Muscle and Fitness (more for his bench-press abilities than for his IQ!). Langan has been interviewed on BBC radio, had been a regular feature with the online radio of and Chris has also written question and answer sections for various leading publications and newspapers, with the New York Newsday being one of the leading names.

The life of the worlds smartest man has by no means been normal, and in this topsy-turvy roller-coaster of a ride, Chris has managed to achieve a lot.

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